The one thing you must do before sitting the AMC MCQ exam

How to confidently pass the AMC MCQ exam on the first attempt?

Did you know that many IMGs helplessly failed the AMC 1 exam because they didn't know about the support available to them? The most effective way to identify your mistakes and improve your exam skills and techniques is to rely on trusted resources. With our program, you can build your knowledge and confidence properly through a well-structured 1-2-1 or self-study online course. We are endorsed by the AMC!

We've helped hundreds of students pass the exam, and we can help you too. You do not need to stress out or feel pressure when you receive clear guidance on what exactly you should study, including a rich question bank. We’ll boost your ability and help you get there.

Success guaranteed!

Get the free AMC MCQ Study Guide

1 simple, but powerful formula you can use to prepare for your AMC exam

Our plans are tailored to meet your unique needs so that you improve fast. Unlike other course providers offering general material and wasting your time in a 5 or 6-month course, IMG SOS offers exam-oriented material. We will tell you exactly the essential topics and what parts you should focus on to not get lost in your exam preparation. Also, you will practice quizzes and exam questions that will not only help you pass the exam, but achieve among the top 20%.

Take the online course from your place or from overseas. Our courses are entirely flexible. Great for getting rid of those butterflies before the real thing.

Taking an AMC preparation course is the most cost-effective tool, because you will not pay to re-attempt the exam ever again. You can start an AMC CAT MCQ online right now. All you have to do is select a package and make a payment. Don't risk sitting the exam without being ready!

1-2-1 or self-study AMC MCQ online course: the secret to success

12-week self-study online course

  • 12 weeks of guided self-study.
  • Every week you will receive specific lessons in your online portal, including videos, articles, links, PDFs, quizzes covering a certain topic. Pass the test by the end of each week to move on to the next area. After 12 weeks of hard study you should be able to successfully pass the exam.
  • This is an interactive study, that will enhance your knowledge, improve your exam skills, answering techniques and exam approach.
  • The course includes all the material you need to learn for the exam.
  • A rich question bank is added to the course free of charge. 
  • The course is a step-by-step study that is suitable for all levels.
  • Access extension for an additional 4 weeks for revision.
  • Study at your own pace and achieve the success you desire!
  • Success guaranteed!

6-week one-on-one extensive course

  • This includes 60 hours of one-on-one tutoring, covering hundreds of cases. No time is wasted with other students.
  • It runs online via video conference. Sessions can be scheduled at your convenience.
  • The course addresses your specific situation, knowledge and performance.It measures your improvement against the exam requirement.
  • The course is provided by two tutors delivering the course  simultaneously so that you get the most out of the course. 
  • The tutors will explain the topics, train you and build your knowledge and skills step by step with a lot of feedback and guidance.
  • Cases in Radiology, Epidemiology & Public Health, Medicine, Surgery, Women’s Health, Paediatrics, Mental Health
  • This course is suitable for students who prefer to work with tutors and receive personalised support.

3-week one-on-one regular course.

  • This includes 30 hours of one-on-one tutoring, covering hundreds of cases. No time is wasted with other students.
  • It runs online via video conference. Sessions can be scheduled at your convenience.
  • The course addresses your specific situation, knowledge and performance.It measures your improvement against the exam requirement.
  • The course is provided by one tutor. 
  • The tutor will explain the topics, train you and build your knowledge and skills step by step with feedback and guidance.
  • Cases in Radiology, Epidemiology & Public Health, Medicine, Surgery, Women’s Health, Paediatrics, Mental Health
  • This course is suitable for students who prefer to work with a tutor and receive personalised support.

AMC Question bank

  • 40 questions with answers and explanation.
  • Grouped in 3 levels of difficulty.
  • Assess your level and know where you stand compared to the exam.
  • One month access.
  • Start any time.

IMG SOS is endorsed and listed by the Australian Medical Council as a bridging course provider.

Testimonials and reviews

Hear what some of our satisfied students are saying about us!

I was able to pass the MCQ exam 18 years after my graduation. You helped me to refresh my knowledge. Your material is really helpful.

Dr. Ulgen MERDANOGLU - Istanbul

Best moment of my career. SOOO Happy. With IMG SOS I have taken every exam and passed. 100% success rate:) Thank you so much for all your support. I get calls from my friends after they find my name on IMG SOS web feedback, asking if IMG SOS is good or not. I always say it is the best help :)

Dr. Sovan Dey - Australia

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Dreaming of working as a doctor in Australia?

Boost your career prospects and get the AHPRA registration! Fill an application form via the below link to secure your place with IMG SOS. Spots are filling up fast!


  • 1300 766 249
  • Level 19, 15 William St, Melbourne, VIC 3000
  • Level 3, 480 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000