Tutoring FAQ


You have questions. wE have answers.

Learn more about the structure and purpose behind each step, developed over many years to ensure a seamless and rewarding experience for both you and your students.

How does the course work?

When a student enrols, the account coordinator allocates them to one or two tutors. The tutor gets notified to contact the student within two days to schedule sessions at mutually agreed times with the student. Alternatively, the student can directly book slots in the tutor’s calendar. However, the tutor must still contact the student (by phone or email) to introduce themselves.
The tutor will train students to meet the exam requirements through role-play and interactive sessions. The tutor should work on the students’ techniques, exam skills, knowledge, any critical errors they make, and advise them on what the examiners look for. All that it takes to pass the exam.

How to deliver the course?

The tutor should use their preferred video conference tool, such as Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams. If a subscription to Zoom is not available, ‘Google Meet’ and ‘Teams’ are free alternatives.

How to deliver a course involving a written exam (e.g. KFP)?

The student should answer a KFP paper offline. The tutor will go through the answers during the class and work on the student’s techniques, skills and knowledge.

How many hours and how long is a course?

IMG SOS courses are offered in packages of 6, 15 and 30 hours. Those hours are usually delivered over 3 to 12 weeks, according to the student’s preference. A session is usually one to two hours unless you agree with the student otherwise.

How many tutors deliver a course?

Usually, a course is split between two tutors unless it is a short course. The required hours will be communicated and shown on the tutor’s portal.

Does the tutor have control over their time?

Yes, as long as you meet the minimum 4-hour-a-week requirement. You can set your status in CREW to ‘At capacity’ or ‘On leave’ if you don’t want to take on more students at any point. However, you must complete the courses that have been assigned to you.
Your ‘at capacity’ or ‘on-leave’ status must not exceed three months per year. Please log into your account and update your status regularly.

Do you offer the tutors resources?

Yes, IMG SOS provides resources for the tutor and the student. The tutor can still use their own resources if needed.

What are the tutor’s KPIs?

The workload they can manage, the students’ feedback and repeat orders.

Must a course be completed within a specific duration?

This is not a must. A student’s credit is valid for two years from the payment date. Therefore, they can pause the course and resume it at any point within two years.
Also, they can save some hours for other exam components and take tutoring later.

Does a student choose their tutor?

If they know and want a specific tutor, they can request them in their application and have them allocated (if available). Otherwise, IMG SOS assigns the tutor according to availability and schedule matching.

What if the student is unhappy with their tutor?

They can change the tutor one time during the course.

Can the student obtain recordings of the classes?

Recording the classes is not allowed. However, written notes can be shared with the student and time to take notes should be granted.

How are tutors paid?

Log your sessions in CREW as you go, and the system will automatically generate and pay your bills in the first week of every month.

How to get educational or admin support?

You can direct your clinical questions to the medical director for IMG SOS (A/Prof Lyndal Parker-Newlyn) or post your question in the tutors’ Facebook Group. If you have an admin query, please ask the account coordinator or the business director.

Do you have tips for the tutors?

Be punctual, turn your camera on unless the student wants to run the class audio only, cover as many cases as possible from the first session, give homework, give feedback, make the session interactive, encourage and be patient.